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Our Classes

Yoga Revive offers classes that challenge and restore the mind through physical movement. Regardless of your age & ability, our classes are suitable for all levels. We offer heated as well as non-heated classes. Check out our class types below. Whichever class you choose, always remember to take your time, listen to your body, and most importantly, enjoy yourself. 


All classes are open for drop in, but we recommend you pre-register via the Yoga Revive App to reserve your space. 


=  Heated Classes

Standing Separate Head to Knee Pose.jpg

 Hot Yoga 26+2

Hot Yoga 26 + 2 is a twenty-six asana series popularized by Bikram Choudhury. It is practiced in 95-108°F (35-42°C) heat to stimulate the entire body with fresh, oxygenated blood. By stretching the body, this series releases accumulated lactic acid & scar tissue to heal the body from the inside out. This class is suitable for all levels.

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